Feedly flipboard
Feedly flipboard

Sign into your Google Reader account and boom, all your feeds will be there and ‘seamlessly transition’: Just download the iOS app or install the extension in Chrome or Firefox on your Mac/PC. How to save your Google Reader feeds now using Feedly? Easy… It’s essentially a clone of the Google Reader API running on Google App Engine. Once word of this got out last night, Feedly’s servers crashed due to demand but have since been upgraded and are back up and running.

feedly flipboard

The former announced last night they had anticipated the shut down of the popular RSS service, so their project Normandy server is here to save the day. If you want to save and import your Google Reader feeds now, you can do so via Feedly and Flipboard. That announcement led to some rage online as the long running service has become essential for many to follow RSS feeds. If you're relying on the app itself to give you the content you want without needing to worry about following sources, go for Flipboard.Yesterday Google announced Google Reader would shut down on July 1st due to declining usage. TL DR - if you're already set on the sources you like to follow, and don't mind possibly missing out on content from other sources you don't, go for Feedly. But if you do most of your reading on your phone, this may not be a deal breaker for you.

feedly flipboard

I also prefer Feedly over Inoreader since I have RSS apps on other platforms as well, which support Feedly but not Inoreader.

feedly flipboard

Pros of Flipboard over Feedly are that it can get you content that you might otherwise have missed since they offer material from a wider range of sources that you might otherwise not be subscribed to. You can add them individually, but then you can't add them under certain topics that you already follow. Another thing is that Flipboard doesn't support certain sources which I follow (eg tech blogs for our local tech scene).

feedly flipboard

I'd rather have all content in front of me, then I just mark as read on scroll, which Feedly lets me do. Also, I notice that it misses out on some articles that I would otherwise be interested in since it tries to curate what it shows me. I don't like having features I don't use, so the social aspect of Flipboard bugs me.

Feedly flipboard